Help us fight Europe's housing crisis!
Support us with Your donation!
Energy Efficiency and Green Investment can save Europe's building stock
Ēkubirojs is a not-for-profit organization raising awareness about the problems Europe’s building stock faces, designing solutions for affordable housing renovation, and providing decision-makers with evidence-based recommendations. We are looking for your support to be able to help where it matters – our homes.

The Challenge:

The Solution:
What we do:

Where You come in:
To continue our work, we need your help! We want to increase our reach in Europe. While we gained the necessary experience in Latvia, the housing crisis affects the whole continent and even beyond. To help the European community resolve this crisis, we can produce more and better awareness-raising materials, increase our social media reach and directly approach European policymakers to reduce regulatory barriers from the top. We can help companies that want to provide energy services to add dEEp renovations to their portfolio and support municipalities to establish renovation programs that will directly benefit local homeowners and the local economy.
Not all of these efforts are covered by EU project funding. However, with your support, we will be more free to place our efforts where they can have the most significant impact.