A one-stop-shop is a virtual place where you can find residents ready to start their dEEp building renovation journey.
Are you a market operator or service provider looking to get involved?
What is the Ēkubirojs One-Stop-Shop (OSS)?
What is dEEp Building Renovation?
The dEEp renovation is a comprehensive renovation based on Energy Efficiency. We develop, promote, and support the implementation of affordable dEEp renovation solutions that guarantee health, safety and comfort long-term, while lowering CO2 emissions on a large scale.
The Ēkubirojs OSS circular and long-lasting solutions exceed or comply with health and environmental EU directives and ensure transparency and efficiency through rigorous standardization.
Partnership Benefits:
Growing market
We offer you the opportunity to enter the energy efficiency renovation market.
Collaboration and extensive network
We make our extensive network of stakeholders, such as municipalities, other market operators, service providers, financial institutions, governmental bodies and energy agencies at your disposal for partnership and collaboration.
Matchmaking with interested residents
We offer facilitation and coordination services to ensure best communication and avoid misunderstandings and the opportunity to provide a clear and complete value proposition (and quotation) that fulfils the needs of the homeowners.
SUNShINE platform
Manage your renovation projects easily and keep track of your progress with our online project management platform . This approach incorporates best practices and guarantees transparency by making the project progress visible to all involved parties.
Join our One-Stop-Shop!
At Ekubirojs, we offer new business opportunities and long-term employment creation. By joining our partner network, you will:
Access a pipeline of buildings for renovation projects.
Direct access to residents willing to sign up for the energy efficiency subscription.
Derisk your investment through ensuring energy savings of renovated buildings.
Lower your transaction costs and optimize your communication because we will provide a one-contact point with your potential clients and buildings.
SUNShINE Platform
Digitize your building renovation journey with the SUNShINE platform.