Ēkubirojs rethinks cities

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Ēkubirojs reimagines urban life. We are committed to creating inclusive neighborhoods – a people-planet approach – by building collaboration and designing services with stakeholders. At Ēkubirojs, we advocate for the right of each to enjoy where they live, love, work and play.

Why? Because good places build local economies, civic engagement, lower CO2 emissions – better lives.

We are committed to shaping a new urban future that guarantees quality of life while balancing planetary resources and needs.

We believe that through projects, working directly in neighborhoods, supporting collective action by communities, and collaborating with cities while advocating with policy makers, we can co-create wellbeing for all citizens throughout the urban environment.


Citizen driven, we conduct multidisciplinary research, lead engaging communication campaigns, build strong networks, and implement practical urban projects, including deep Energy Efficiency priority (dEEp) through our One-Stop-Shop (OSS).

Ready to renovate your building?

Start your Renovation Journey

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21 July 2024

Why EU Peers?

21 July 2024

EU Peers Final Event in Paris 2024

8 January 2024

Ēkubirojs starts “DE-JĀ!” project to promote building renovation in Latvian communities!

28 October 2021

Ekubirojs launches its OSS for Building Renovation

4 November 2020

Europa Kick-off: delivering the benefits of energy efficiency and deep building renovation

29 October 2020

Making Building Renovation relevant: innovative private sector financing for residential & public buildings

Are you interested in joining us to become a certified market operator in our One-Stop-Shop?

Apply here and we will get back to you soon.